Results 2008

21st Sept

Baldock 185-2 off 38.2 overs (j.peacock 101 not out) beat breachwood green 183-9 off 40 overs (j.hall 56,r.rayat 4-35) by 8 wickets.


Ickleford  264-5 off 40 overs (r.peareth 100 not out) beat reed 221-8 off 40 overs (m.cooper 82) by 43 runs.


14th Sept

Breachwood Green 105 all out off 38.4 overs (r.bacchus 4-26) lost to crawley green nomads 107-7 off 28.3 overs by 3 wickets.


Hatfield 174-5 off  35 overs (b.golder 67 ,A.Ashley smith 67) beat titanic 57-9 all out off 17.5 overs by 117 runs.


Reed v Houghton town – Reed conceded game to Houghton Town


7th Sept

Breachwood green v baldock town – cancelled –2points each


Holwell v reed – cancelled – 2points each


Ickleford 142-7 of 34.3 overs beat hatfield 140-8 off 35 overs by 3 wickets.


Offley v Houghton town – cancelled – 2 points each


31st Aug

Offley v reed – cancelled 2 points each


Hatfield v crawley gree – cancelled – 2points each


Breachwood Green v Houghton town – cancelled due to weather – 2 points each


Hatfield v crawley green nomads – result not received as yet


Holwell 232-5 off 40 overs(w.alleyne 56*) /Baldock town 70-2 off 17.1 overs – rain – 2 points each.


Ickleford 244-6 off 40 overs (j.Edwards 62) /Titanic 113-6 off 19 overs – rain – 2 points each


24th Aug

Holwell v ickleford – cancelled due to weather/pitch. 2 points each


Houghton town v hatfield – cancelled due to weather/pitch. 2points each


Offley 150-9 off 40 overs(cerasale84 not out) lost to crawley green nomads 151-3 off 35.5 overs (g.reed66 not out) by 7 wickets.


Reed 219-7 off 39.1 overs(14yr old callum ward 60,17yr old Mitchell cooper 58) beat titanic 215-5 off 40 overs (t.allum 50,cooksey 61) by 3 wickets.

17th Aug

Breachwood green 91 all out off 26.3 overs lost to Holwell 93-1 off 15.1 overs (a.parkin 57*) by 9 wickets.


Hatfield 186-7 off 37 overs (g.letford 4-44) beat Baldock town 184-9 off 40 overs by 3 wickets.


Titanic 168-8 off 40 overs (t.allum 77) lost to crawley green nomads 171-3 off 34.4 overs by 7 wickets.


10th Aug


Ickleford 208-8 off 40 overs (d.jenner 61*, k.shiner 52) lost to Breachwood green 211-6 off 37 overs (yasseer 76*) by 4 wickets.


Baldock town 221-8 off 40 overs (j.peacock 87, r.peacock 73) beat offley and stopsley 86 all out off 32.3 overs by 135 runs.


Breachwood green v ickleford – result not received


Crawley green nomads 88-1 off 23.2 overs beat reed 87 all out off 26.5 overs (A.Dell 5-6) by 9 wickets.


Holwell 229-7 off 40 overs (a.parkin 94) tied with Hatfield 229-7 off 40 overs. (3 points each)


Houghton town 232-8 off 38.2 overs (naveed 98,cooksey 5-45)) beat titanic 228-6 off 40 overs by 2 wickets.



3rd Aug

Hatfield v Breachwood green – result not received


Ickleford 257-2 off 40 overs (j.Edwards 100,s.giggle 75*) beat crawley green nomads 213-4 off 40 overs (g.reed 94*) by 43 runs.


Houghton town 240-9 off 40 overs (naveed 62) / reed 14-1 off 4 overs when rain came – game abandoned as draw (2 points each)


Offley and stopsley v Holwell – result not received .However im told by a holwell player that holwell won.I will put this on the table.Any probs let me know and will adjust accordingly.


Titanic 237-8 off 40 overs (J.Mcgowan 144) lost to Baldock town 238-5 off 38.5 overs (Rob Peacock 78*) by 5 wickets.(still in shock)


Hatfield 162-6 off 37 overs before rain ended game – 2 points each.

26th July

Baldock town 81 all out off 26.4 overs (m.Robertson 4-19) lost to reed 278-4 off 40 overs (e.blissett 62, s.lovegrove 69,m.bowles 58*) by197 runs.


Breachwood green 152 all out in 38.1 overs lost to offley and stopsley 173-8 in 40 overs by21 runs.


27/7 Hatfield 208-7 off 40 overs lost to ickleford 210 –7 off 39.1 overs (j.Edwards 76,joe bigley(13yrs old) 4-36)  by 3 wickets.


Holwell 259-7 off 40 overs (a.parkin 126) beat titanic 94 all out off ? overs(a.parkin 4-9)

By 165 runs.


Houghton town 203-3 off 29.2 overs (naveed 55,narinder 63*) beat crawley green nomads 198-7 off 40 overs (g.reed 79) by7 wickets.


20th July

Crawley green nomads  104-4 off 28 overs beat Baldock town 100 all out off 31.5 overs (amit jethwa 4-32) by 6 wickets.


Ickleford 242 all out off 37 overs (r.peareth 104,sharn 4-34) lost to Houghton town 289-7 off 40 overs (wasar 138) by47  runs.


Offley and stopsley 153 all out off 36.4 overs (Barker 68) lost to Hatfield 197-8 off 40 overs (k.shah 68, k.whitehead 51) by 44 runs.


Reed 172-2 off 26.3 overs (j.kurk 107) beat Holwell 166-9 off 40 overs by 8 wickets.


Titanic 208-9 off 39.5 overs (cimini 84, cooksey 51,yassir 5-31) beat Breachwood green 206-8 off 40 overs by 1 wicket.


13th July

Baldock town 103 all out off ? overs lost to Houghton town 170 all out off 35 overs (r.lawes 4-39) by 67 runs.


Breachwood green 148 all out off 39.2 overs (n.merchant 73 *, martin 4-26) beat reed 103 all out off 29.2 overs by 45 runs.


Holwell 159 all out off 32 overs (j.rudder 95) lost to  crawley green nomads 229-8 off 40 overs by 70 runs.


Ickleford 210-6 off 40 overs (j.robinson 54) beat Offley and stopsley 136 all out in 35.1 overs (j.robinson 4-15) by 74 runs.


6th July

Ickleford (dnb)  v Baldock 75-4 off ? overs – match abandoned


Houghton town v holwell -  match cancelled  due to wet pitch/rain


Reed 149-6 off 29.1 overs (smith 50) beat Hatfield 146 all out off 34.4 overs (j.pallet 5-31) by 4 wickets.


Titanic (DNB)  v offley and stopsley 142-7 off 24 overs  -match abandoned


29th June

Baldock Town 197-3 off 40 overs (J.Peacock 68 *, R.Peacock 54) lost to Holwell 202-1 off 26 overs (A.Parkins 146 *) by 9 wickets.


Crawley green nomads 153-5 off 35.5 overs beat Hatfield 151 all out in 33.4 overs (Golder 66*, g,reed 4-25)


Houghton town 366-4 (what are the bats made of?!) (bob ahmed 195*,naveed 73) beat Breachwood Green 180 all out (someone 62) off 37 overs by186 runs.


Titanic 102-8 off 40 overs lost to Ickleford 217 all out off 39 overs by 115.


Reed 244-8 off 40 overs (t.greaves 88) lost to offley and stopsley 260-7 off 40 overs (bexfeild 74,brodie 63) by 16 runs.



22nd June

Hatfield 176 all out off 38.5 overs lost to Houghton Town 350-4 off 40 overs (naveed 205*) by 174 runs.

Crawley green 126 all out off 39 overs lost to offley and stopsley 129-6 off 39.1 overs by 4 wickets.


Hatfield v Houghton town – result not received as yet.


Icklford 183-4 off 40 overs (p.robinson 84*) lost to Holwell 184-9 off 28.3 overs(A.Parkin 89*) by 1 wicket.


Titanic 201 all out off 37.2 overs(T.Mcgowan 70,T.Allum 63, J.Tidey 4-30) lost to reed 205-5 off 40 overs (p.frenay 79) by 4 runs.


15th June

Baldock Town 170-8 off 40 overs lost to Hatfield 171-3 off 38.2 overs (K.Shah 59 *) by 7 wickets.

Crawley Green Nomads 179-6 off 40 overs (g.reed 56*) lost to Titanic 183-4 off 39.5 overs (Mcgowan 68)  by 6 wickets.


Holwell 288-7 off 40 overs (A.Parkin 93, N.Pointing 69, Kaljit 4-53) beat Breachwood Green 168 all out off 31.2 overs (y.Arafat 58) by 120 runs.


Houghton Town 221-7 off 37.5 overs (naveed 55) beat Offley and stopsley 220-8 off 40 overs (S.Bexfield 100,Brodie 52) by 3 wickets.


8th June

Hatfield 190-9 off 40 overs (k.whitehead 53) beat Holwell 151 all out in ? overs(w.alleyne)  by 39 runs (this result got off hatfield website!)


Ickleford 212-4 in 33 overs (r.peareth 67) beat Breachwood Green 208-9 in 40 overs (pallav 108) by 6 wickets.


Offley and stopsley  244-2 off 40 overs (d.bridgland 102,m.chaudry 67*) beat Baldock Town 158 all out off 38 overs (freeman 4-9) by 86 runs.


Reed 216-4 off 40 overs (r.Johnson 64) beat Crawley Green nomads 66 all out in 22.1 overs (l.Johnson 6-21) by 150 runs.


Titanic 164-8 off 40 overs lost to Houghton town 170-9 off 31.4 overs by 1 wicket


1st June

 Baldock town 55 all out in 26.1 overs (maskell 4-12) lost to titanic 133 – 5 in 40 overs (T.Mcgowan 75) by 78 runs.


Breachwood green 119 all out in39.3 overs  (haroon azad 60) beat Hatfield 85 all out in37. 4 overs by 34 runs.


Crawley green nomads 209-6 from 40 overs (y.jethwa 68,g.reed50) beat Ickleford 109 all out of 28.3 overs (g.hull 4-28) by 100 runs.


Holwell 87-1 in 13.2 overs (a.parkins 53*) beat offley and stopsley 86 all out in 28 overs (j.Mansfield 4-6)


18th May


Baldock Town 75 all out off 30.3 overs lost to Crawley green nomads 135-9 off 40 overs by 60 runs.


Breachwood Green 126 all out (m brown 56,j.mcgowan 4-19, maskell 4-19) lost to titanic 127-6 off 37.5 overs (j.hall 5-33) by 4 wickets.


Hatfield 159-9 off 40 overs lost to offley and stopsley 161-3 off 27.1 overs ( s.hoar 56*) by 7 wickets.


Houghton town 104-7 off 24 overs beat ickleford 100 all out off 23.3 overs by 3 wickets.


11th May


Crawley green nomads 124-2 off 21.2 overs (asfan javed 64) beat Holwell 123 all out off 32.5 overs by 8 wickets.


Luton and Houghton town 381-8!! off 40 overs(naveed 100,arshad 109,nasir 81) beat(surprise) Baldock 179 all out off 37 overs (r.peacock 62) by 202 runs.


Offley and stopsley 214-6 off 40 overs (r.barker 55) beat ickleford 170-9 off 40 overs (s.giggle 52) by 44 runs.


Reed 257-6 off 40 overs (j.kurk 167*) beat breachwood green 220-9 off 40 overs by 37 runs.


Titanic 169-7 off 38.4 overs (cooksey52*) beat Hatfield 167-3 off 40 overs (golder 76) by 3 wickets.


4th May

Baldock town 187-4 off 40 overs (R.Peacock 64,R.Cant 62*) beat Ickleford 122 all out off 39.1 overs by 65 runs.


Crawley Green nomads 136 –7 off 33.4 overs beat Breachwood Green 133 all out from 36 overs.( Q.Raja 5-18) by 3 wickets.


Holwell 125 all out off 29.3 overs (a.parkin53, bob ahmed 4-20)  lost to Houghton town 126 – 3 off 26.3 overs by 7 wickets.


Offley and stopsley 187-7 off 40 overs(r.barker 51,j.cerasale 69,fox 4-24) beat titanic 180-9 off 40 overs (cimini 56,r.barker 4-34) by 7 runs.


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